How to slow the aging process through diet?
As we age, stress, pollution... our skin is exposed to many factors that precipitate aging. If the appropriate gestures are not adopted, spots, wrinkles and expression lines settle on our face after the age of thirty. In fact, although skin aging is a natural process, many factors are at the origin of its acceleration and precocity. Among these elements: an unbalanced diet. Are you worried about seeing the first signs of aging appear on your skin? Don't panic, in this article we give you some tips that will allow you to stop skin aging thanks to a balanced diet.
What causes skin aging?
To better understand the skin aging process, it is necessary to be interested in how it works. This process is caused by two different factors:
Genetic inheritance: responsible for 20% of skin aging according to a study by Clinical Cosmetic and Research Dermatology.
Environmental factors: which involve 80% of skin aging. These are all the internal and external influences to which the body is subjected: stress, pollution, sleep and… food! These elements prevent the regeneration of skin cells.
In fact, “we are what we eat.” Far from being a cliché, this adage confirms that the skin is, in part, a reflection of our diet. Therefore, it is essential to look closely at the content and balance of our plate to slow down the aging of our skin!
What foods should be favored to delay skin aging?
What we eat has a resounding impact on our body, both on our skin, our brain, our bones and our intellectual performance. Therefore, it is advisable to quickly prevent skin aging and health problems by adopting a rich, balanced and adequate diet.
Antioxidant foods, agents that fight free radicals
Skin aging is due in part to the destruction of our body's cells by free radicals. But Késako, will you tell me? Everything happens at the level of the internal cells. To regenerate and create energy, our cells, and therefore skin cells, use the food we eat and the oxygen present in our body. As a result of this process, the latter produce waste products called free radicals. Visualize free radicals as microscopic cells that combine with oxygen to attack molecules and cells in their path. These include: DNA molecules, cell membranes, and collagen and elastin-producing cells). In small amounts, free radicals are not problematic because they partly combat harmful bacteria and intruders. On the other hand, when they multiply and massively attack the molecules in our body, they become harmful and create what is called oxidative stress.
Therefore, insufficient or excessive consumption of antioxidants promotes oxidative stress. This production, which attacks the main structures and functions of the body, causes premature aging. To counteract this phenomenon, it is necessary to consume antioxidant foods that fight against excess free radicals. The best-known antioxidant nutrients are vitamin A, C and E, but also folic acid, beta-carotene, copper, zinc... They are present in various forms in our diet.
Among antioxidant foods, we distinguish those that contain vitamins (A, B, C, D, E, K) and those composed of trace elements.
In the antioxidant food family, I call it a vitamin!
Among the vitamins are:
Vitamin A: in addition to slowing skin aging by improving its elasticity, vitamin A reduces the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. Among the foods rich in vitamin A we find: pumpkin, turnip, lettuce, spinach, carrot, turkey entrails... Also, Beta-carotene, precursor of vitamin A: most orange vegetables they contain it. These include: carrot, sweet potato, pumpkin, mango, apricot, mango, melon...
Vitamin C: helps fight oxidation and strengthens the immune system. It is found in many fruits and vegetables. Among the foods that contain it are: clementines, kiwis, oranges, black currants, kale, lemons, broccoli, peppers.
Vitamin E: In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, vitamin E strengthens the immune system and helps the body protect against cancer and cardiovascular diseases. It is found in oilseeds: almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, dried apricots, curry, spinach and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin B5 and B8: maintain skin hydration. Foods that contain it are egg yolks, meat, mushrooms and legumes.
Vitamin D and K: responsible for dissolving fat and keeping the skin in good condition, vitamin K is found in the cellular organelles of condiments and plants such as chives, strawberries, etc. Vitamin D is found in anchovies, sardines, margarine, yogurt and milk.
Trace elements for the proper functioning of the body
These are essential minerals for the proper functioning of the body that fight against oxidative stress. Therefore, we will favor garlic, legumes, cabbage, fish and eggs, which are rich in trace elements.
Essential fatty acids, the “good fats” with anti-aging effects
Essential, because they are not produced by the body, omega-3 and 6 are considered “good fats.” They help maintain skin hydration and strengthen skin cell membranes to prevent skin from wilting. Essential fatty acids promote the functioning of the brain and neurons. Omega-3s are found in fatty fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, herring) and vegetable oils (flax, walnuts, rapeseed, hazelnut). As for omega-6, they are present in peanut oil, grape seed oil.
Omega-3 and 6 have opposite effects on the body. To be beneficial, your contributions must be balanced.
Alkalizing elements to rebalance our body
Loss of skin elasticity, appearance of fine lines and wrinkles are also due to poor acid/base balance. To understand: all foods generate basic substances and acidic substances on a more or less large scale. Those that produce more acidic elements are called acidifying (meat, charcuterie, cheese, cereals) and those that generate the opposite effect are called alkalizing (fruits and vegetables).
In our diet, acidifying elements are overrepresented while the others are underrepresented. Excess acidity tires the body, so it is necessary to rebalance our plate by favoring fruits and vegetables and fish and white meat.
To counteract the silent inflammation that consumes our body and accelerates the skin aging process, antioxidant foods are an excellent solution. Finally, for beautiful skin, hydration continues to be your best ally. It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2L of water per day.
As you may have understood, to counteract premature skin aging and keep the skin young and smooth, it is necessary to eat a balanced diet that satisfies the nutritional needs of our body. This diet must be adapted to the person's physiological needs, which vary according to their characteristics (age, sex, genetic predispositions, etc.). For better effectiveness, it is essential to know your nutritional needs and adapt your plate to these different elements. Finally, for the effects to be there, it is essential to combine a balanced diet with a healthy lifestyle. Goodbye alcohol, cigarettes, bad fats!